Surat Lamaran Kerja Staff Administrasi

Berikut ini adalah Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Staff Administrasi di bagian Accounting dalam bahasa english, yang dapat di gunakan sebagai acuan dalam membuat lamaran pekerjaan di suatu perusahaan.

Application letter Accounting Staff

Jakarta, March 27, 2009

Attention To:
Resources Manager
PT. Randu Garut Plastic
Jl. Kayu Lapis No. 43
Jakarta Pusat
Dear Mr. Agung Purnomo,

I wish to apply for the position of Accounting Staff that was advertised on Tempo, March 25, 2010 March 14, 2010.

I have over one year experience as an Accounting with PT. Rizky Finance and have experience of a wide variety of pattern techniques. My computer skills are very good, and I have an excellent record as a reliable, productive employee.

I am looking for new challenges and the posistion of Accounting Staff sounds the perfect opportunity. Your organisation has an enviable record innovation in investor financial cosultant, and an excellent reputation as an employer, making the position even more attractive.

I enclose my CV for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon. I am available for interview at your convenience

Sincerely yours,

Semoga contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja ini bermanfaat dan salam sukse untuk anda

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